Free NLP Practitioner Course

Monday, April 13, 2020



The NLP Communication Model precisely explains what happens with the information we take from the outside world, and while processes them into our neurology and how this information creates our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.
The NLP Communication Model is one of the major concepts in Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). As human beings, we are constantly taking in information from our outside world through our five senses which are Visual (sight), Auditory (hear), Kinesthetic (touch), Olfactory (smell) & Gustatory (taste). According to Hungarian psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in his book, "Flow" the human mind received 2 million bits of information every single second out of which only 134 bits of information is processed effectively which is responsible for creating our internal representation and map of our reality.

When this data from the external event came into our neurology through our five senses, before these data make up our experience is very efficiently filtered at our unconscious level. We delete, distort and generalize the data.


With the receive data our unconscious mind omit and delete those date which seems unimportant for us at a specific moment from our conscious awareness.


when we travel on the road we saw so many faces but hardly remember any of them until there is something unusual about it.


It is a process in which we misrepresent our reality through distorting it. By using the word misrepresentation does not mean that delude the reality in a negative way, it could be either negative or positive.


  •  He smiles at me, I think he likes me.
  •  I know this corona crisis will destroy the world economy.


When one or maybe a few specific experiences are used to draw a global conclusion is called generalisation.


  • When a toddler learns to open one door, he/she immediately associates this learning to open other shapes that look like a door, such as a cupboard and other doors.
  •  If someone once is bitten by a dog he/she might create a generalisation that all dogs are dangerous, or might have a phobia of dogs.
  •  All politicians are corrupted.


Since everyone experiences the situation differently so it's our internal representation that determines how we view the world and everything around it and that creates our reality. What information will get process depends upon how our brain has been program. Mostly our programming is determined by the sum of our experiences throughout our life. Several factors determine what we filter or whatnot. Such as;


These are those programs that install at our most unconscious level; they work like mind software that regulates our personality types.


Things that are most important to us are our values. Values control what things do we consider to be right or wrong, good or bad. Values are context-specific, therefore what's important or significant in one area of our life, may not be important or significant in other areas.


What we hold to be true, about ourselves, others and the world are called beliefs. These are the sources that support our values. The quality of your beliefs that you carry with you significantly influences the quality of our life.


These are the past collective experiences that impact our current perceptions. Our present behaviors are ominously influenced by our collections of memories.


The decisions that we take about ourselves such as who we are and what we are capable of greatly affect what we faced within the present. Decisions that we have taken in our past are responsible for creating our present values, beliefs, and character; therefore they greatly influence how we respond to current circumstances.


The internal representation that has been created by applying these filters which work at the unconscious level, that internal representation will affect our physiology, and vice versa. Our internal representation and physiology create our state of mind or mood that leads us to act or react in some way on events or situations happening around us. So your state of mind will determine your behavior and by acting or reacting in a certain way you create the results you are getting in your life.


  • It enables us to more flexible while communicating with others.
  • Helps us in understanding others point of view which enables us to relate to them easily and respond to them on their terms.
  • Assists us in building rapport quickly.
  • Capable us to create empathy and compassion towards others.
  • Support us in understanding ourselves better.


  • An external event is not equal to an internal event because of the filter our unconscious mind has applied to it.
  • If an event occurs with two or more person they all might have different internal representations because all of them have different Meta programs, values, beliefs, and past experiences.
  • Our internal representation creates our physiology and vice versa.
  • Our physiology and internal representation create our state of mind or mood.
  • Our states determined our behavior which eventually leads us towards the result we are producing

Saturday, March 28, 2020

What is NLP | Definition of NLP

What is NLP?

“NLP is an attitude and a methodology that leaves behind a trail of techniques.”
Richard Bandler

NLP was created by studying those incredible individuals who produce outstanding results. Compel this science of excellence in a way that anyone can get the same level of results just by modeling them.
To model the successful people, NLP studies how we structure our emotional and cognitive experiences, how we consider our values and beliefs and how we create our states of mind, and how we create our external world from our experiences and give them some meaning. No event has meaning in itself. We give them meaning, and different people may give the same event different meanings because we humans are the meaning-making machine. In NLP we study experiences from the inside.

So, what does NLP really mean?

  • NLP is the study of human excellence
  • NLP is the skill to remain your best more often
  • NLP is the most powerful and practical method of personal change & development
  • NLP is the most effective science of achievement
The three components of NLP are:
Neuro: represent the nervous system which takes in information through five senses, which are;
a.      Visual (Sight)
b.      Auditory (Sound)
c.       Kinesthetic (Touch)
d.      Olfactory (Smell)
e.      Gustatory (Taste)
By studying neurology we understand how our body and mind work together so that we can direct it toward more effective thoughts and behaviors, and create new neurological pathways that capable us to break through form old unresourceful mental boundaries.

Linguistic: becoming aware of how we use language within oneself and with others, and based on the internal representation system use language in such a way that it facilitates the positive changes in oneself and others.

Programming: The human mind works like a computer program and becomes habitual of some reoccurring patterns and behaviors. By identifying what programs are determining current experience, we can reprogram it by using specific tools and techniques and upgrade our mind for optimum high performance.

What NLP can do for you?
The psychologist discovers that all human actions are the product of their mental patterns or habits. All the things you learned to do are also the products of your mental pattern & habits. How you wake up, to how you go to work and spend your day, to how you work, and how you spent your leisure time. All these things have somehow become the parts of your habits or patterns and these patterns are very useful too because they allow you to do so many things without thinking about them, they also form the basis of creating new behaviors and recognizing unusual situations. But when these habits or patterns are not facilitating you, holding you back, do not lead you to produce the results you want, then there is a time you need to change such habits or patterns. With NLP you can change your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and replace them with the new empowering ones that will become just as systematic and regular as the old ones but a lot more enjoyable.